1. All candidates for admission must acquaint themselves with the rules and regulations of the college and will be bound by them if admitted.
2. They must produce at the time of admission their Transfer Certificate and Certificate of Conduct from the school or the college which they last attended and mark sheet or their university pass certificate (if issued by the university) if they are applicants for admission to the B. A./B. Sc./B. Com. / M. A. / M.Sc. / M. Com. classes.
3. The Principal reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant, without assigning reasons.
4. No candidate for admission will be enrolled or allowed to attend any class, until the prescribed fee is paid.
5. Anyone who is found later to have obtained admission by false representation is liable to be dismissed and the fees forfeited.
6. Any student who leaves the college without the prior permission of the Principal, before completing his/her programme will not receive Certificate of Character. But on sufficient cause being shown, the Principal will transfer a student to another college, or will allow him to discontinue his/her studies and may give him a Certificate of Character.
7. Conduct Certificate must be applied for as soon as the student leaves the college.
8. No student shall be considered to have been enrolled in the college unless he/she has attended the college at least one day of that term or has paid the fees or portion there of prescribed.
9. A student who has discontinued his/her studies may be given his/her Higher Secondary Certificate or University Pass Certificate, and T. C if he/ she pays the dues up to the end of the term which he/she has attended.
10. Those who wish to have any certificate sent to them by post are expected to send a stamped self-addressed (with PIN code) envelope of required size for the purpose.
11. No student who has not previously studied in any recognised school or college shall be admitted to the college.
12. Every transfer certificate issued to the students from a college or other institution after being registered for a university exam shall necessarily contain the following details:
a) Name of the examination of the university for which the student was resented from the college
b) Register number of the student and date of examination
c) Whether the student has appeared for the examination
d) If yes:
i. The parts and division in which the candidate has passed
ii. The parts and division in which the candidate has failed
(a) Transfer certificate to a student who has been enrolled for a university exam shall be issued only after the provisional results of the exam. Are published and every such
certificate shall contain the details of the parts or division in which he/she has passed and the parts or division in which he/she has failed. No student can be admitted to the college if the production of such a certificate is pending.
(b) The first October of every year has been fixed by the university as the last date for receipt of return of matriculates relating to students admitted that year. Application of students for recognition of the qualifying examinations of other universities or examining bodies, admitted every year are to be received at the university office within one month after their joining the college.
(c) Application for Transfer Certificate shall be in the prescribed form.
13. In the case of students who have passed from any university other than the Mahatma Gandhi University, the necessary Migration Certificate/ No Objection Certificate must be produced within a month after enrolment.
14. Students of scheduled caste, scheduled tribes and other backward communities who are eligible for full fee concession and monthly stipend should produce the Nativity Certificate, Community Certificate and Income Certificate from revenue officers not below the rank of a village officer either along with their application for admission or on admission.
15. Certificates such as mark lists, degree certificates etc. of students, will not be kept in the college office for more than three years after completion of their programme of study.
16. Prior permission of the Principal has to be obtained for the use of megaphone, loudspeakers, posters, banners or boards within the college premises if such a situation arises for its use.
17. Conduct Certificate is a document which the student has to earn. It will not be issued as a matter of course. Application for Conduct Certificate should be given as soon as the student leaves the college.
1. No student shall indulge in smoking or other reprehensible habits within the college premises. Students should not fold up their dhothis in the college premises and they should refrain from sitting and standing on staircases, leaning against the parapet or loitering idly on the verandahs.
2. No student shall enter or leave the class without the permission of the teacher until the class is dismissed
3. Writing or making marks on the walls or on furniture, dumping waste of any kind anywhere except in waste bin and spoiling the floor of the college or hostel building etc. are strictly prohibited.
4. Students are not permitted to join or work for any organisation outside the college without the written permission of the Principal.
5. Students are warned against presenting mass petitions to the Principal. They can make representations regarding college affairs to the higher authorities if necessary through the Principal.
6. Except in the meeting of various associations of the college, no student shall address any gathering within the college premises unless permitted by the Principal.
7. When a student has any doubt in any matter of college discipline, he should consult the Principal before making a decision.
8. The loss or damage caused to the property and assets or articles of the college will be recovered from the student responsible for it.
9. Students have to be clean and decorous in dress, language and behaviour. Objectionable appearance will not be permitted.
10. No student shall enter a class other than his/her own without the permission of the Principal or the staff members whether it is before, during or after the college working hours.
11. When a teacher or a guest enters a class all students should rise in respect and remain standing until they are asked to be seated.
12. Students are not to enter any laboratory without the permission of the staff member in-charge.
13. Order and restraint should characterize conduct of the students at all times. Perfect silence should be maintained in the library, lecture classes and laboratories.
14. Students are warned against disfiguring college walls, desks or benches with writing or engraving of any description whatsoever and tampering with or damaging fittings, articles of furniture or library books.
15. Students are not to participate in (a) any agitation directed against constituted authority (b) any meeting likely to excite disloyalty or disaffection towards the government (c) any movement likely to promote communal ill-feeling.
16. The actual loss caused to furniture, tools and apparatus of the college during strikes or any violent action of students will be recovered by imposing collective fines on all students of the college (as per government order).
The management of Mar Athanasius College (Autonomous), Kothamangalam has decided to implement the following rules and regulations in order to facilitate smooth and effective functioning of the college:
i. All the students in the college shall co-operate with the college authorities to maintain discipline in the college.
ii. All strikes, demonstrations, dharnas, harthals and the like are banned in the college campus. The students who violate the above rule are liable to be dismissed from the college.
iii. The students are prohibited from taking part in any meeting in the college campus unless such meetings are convened and organized by the college authorities.
iv. Political activities are completely banned in the college campus. The students involving themselves in any kind of political activity in the college campus are liable to be summarily dismissed from the college.
v. No student shall bring into the college campus any banner, flag, board, notice, pamphlet etc. for the purpose of any political activity.
vi. Use of cell phones in the campus by the students is prohibited.
vii. No student shall involve in any activity, which may cause disruption to classes or disturbances in the college campus. If any student violates the above regulation, he is liable to be summarily dismissed from the college.
Condonation of Shortage of Attendance
1. Every candidate must secure a minimum of 75% attendance (73% for Girl students) of the total duration of the semester.
2. Candidates having shortage of attendance up to 10% can apply for condonation of shortage in the prescribed form on genuine grounds.
3. The application for condonation shall be accompanied by the receipt of condonation fee.
4. The fee for application for condonation of shortage of attendance shall be Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only). Fee shall be paid in the College Office.
5. The application for condonation of shortage of attendance shall be submitted in the College Office.
6. Candidate can seek condonation of shortage of attendance only once during the programme.
7. In case the shortage of attendance is beyond condonable limit such students must repeat the programme for making up the shortage of attendance to become eligible for appearing the examination.
8. It is up to the discretion of the Principal to decide on the merit of application for condonation.
Every student should wear visibly the identity card issued from the college at the time of admission. Students should produce their identity cards for inspection if demanded by the
members of the staff or other authorities of the college. The identity cards must also be presented at the time of payment of each instalment of fees. It must be produced compulsorily on the day of college election and on other days as deemed fit by the Principal for entry in to the college quadrangle.
If the card is lost, a duplicate may be issued on payment of the required fee, with the special permission of the Principal. Application for the duplicate card has to be made by the parent / guardian of the student.