LADIES' HOSTELThe two ladies' hostels of the college have facilities for accommodating 200 students. Application for admission should be addressed to the Chief Warden, Mar Athanasius College (Autonomous), Kothamangalam. It should be made in the prescribed form, copies of which may be had from the hostel office or college office on payment of Rs.30/-.
The chief warden will have the right to refuse admission to any applicant without assigning any reasons. Selection of students for admission to the hostel is made by a committee. The hostel functions under 24 hours faultless security cover. ...
MEN'S HOSTEL (SPORTS)Men's hostel is provided for the sports students. Maximum intake of the hostel is 150 students.Kerala State Sports Council has granted a hostel scheme for students of Athletics and Aquatics. During the 2023-24 academic year, the Kerala State Sports Council has recommended 41 students to this scheme. Of this 6 are boys and they are accommodated in the hostel. The management, in 2023-24, provides scholarship for103 students and 2 Khelo India sponsored sports students are accommodated in the hostel.
INTERNATIONAL HOSTEL FOR MENNewly built Men's hostel with international standard can accommodate 50 students. Application for admission should be addressed to the chief warden, Dr. Siju T. Thomas Asst. Professor, Department of Botany.