The Post Graduate department of Economics got recognized as research centre in Economics of M G University in the year 2006. The centre conducts policy oriented research within the frame work of a rigorous academic schedule. The following research faculty supervises the research students on key issues of development at the national and regional level.
Dr. M S Vijayakumary
Specialisation: International Economics
Dr. Manjula K
Specialisation: Public Economics
Dr. Jenni K Alex
Specialisation: Tourism
Dr. Eldhose A M
Specialisation: Health Economics
Around 20 research scholars are pursuing their Doctorate degree in the Department with various fellowships. The area of research of the scholars ranges from the problems related to the procurement of the basic wherewithals of the life of man to the complexities of international trade.
The Department is regularly conducting the course work prescribed by UGC during the summer holidays. Periodic progress assessment is also done by the doctoral committee in the presence of external subject experts.