Dr. Nivya Mariam Paul

Assistant Professor
M.Sc, NET, Ph.D


Assistant Professor in Microbiology (2008-Present)


Membership in professional bodies:

Life member in society for Biotechnologists (INDIA).
Member of the International Society of Environmental Relationship and Sustainability (ISERS).
Professional recognition:

Former Member, Board of Studies (UG) in Microbiology Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
Reviewer in the journal Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ).
Reviewer in the journal materials today: proceedings (Elsevier).
Reviewer of the journal Biodiversitas, Journal of Biological Diversity 


Research Area:
Biochar production, Agricultural and Environmental Microbiology, Secondary metabolite production

Research projects undertaken:

Co-investigator in UGC funded minor research project titled “Phytochemical Screening and Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Potential of Coleus amboinicus.

Principal investigator in KSCSTE funded student project titled “Broad spectrum antimicrobial activity of soil fungus-isolation and bioassay”.

Principal investigator in KSCSTE funded student project titled “Phytochemical analysis oh plant essentials oils by GC-MS and its activity against multidrug resistant bacteria causing respiratory tract infection”.

Co investigator in RUSA funded Minor Research Project titled "Screening for Beneficial microorganisms from Mangrove and Wetlands"(ORDER No. 005/2019/MRP/RUSA).


Journal Article -22
Book Chapter- 13
Oral presentations-12
Poster presentations-9
Projects guided:

Post graduate projects-27
Under graduate projects-3 




  • John, E., Paul, N. M., & Selven, S. (2024). Metagenomic analysis of bacterial diversity in the surface water, top soil and sediment from the Mangrove ecosystem of Panangad, India. Ecological Genetics and Genomics, 100225.1.John, E., Paul, N. M., & Selven, S. (2024). Metagenomic analysis of bacterial diversity in the surface water, top soil and sediment from the Mangrove ecosystem of Panangad, India. Ecological Genetics and Genomics, 100225. 


  • Devassy, M., John, E., & Paul, N. M., 2023. Characterization of plant growth promoting activity of actinomycetes isolated from biochar enhanced rhizosphere soil. Materials Today: Proceedings.
    Famidha, T. A., Chandra, N., Paul, N. M., & John, E., 2023. Antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant activity of bacterial isolates from wetlands in Kerala. Materials Today: Proceedings.
    Paul, N. M., & Harikumar, V. S., 2023. Phospholipid fatty acid profile in soil amended with biochar. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2773, No. 1). AIP Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0138543.
    Paul, N. M., & Harikumar, V. S., 2023. Effects of Biochar on Soil Microbial Community Composition using PLFA Profiling-A Review. Soil Biol Biochem, 35, 489-500. doi.org/10.36647/978-93-92106-02-6.5. 


  • Nivya Mariam Paul, Variampally Sankar Harikumar, 2022. Effects of Biochar on Soil Microbial Community Composition using PLFA Profiling - A Review, Pg no: 24 – 25. doi.org/10.36647/978-93-92106-02-6.5.
    Nivya Mariam Paul, Variampally Sankar Harikumar, 2022. Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Analysis of Microorganisms in Soil Amended with Biochar. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IFJANS), 11, (S issue 2), 479-488. e-ISSN 2320 –7876.
    Nivya Mariam Paul, Variampally Sankar Harikumar, 2022. Pyrolytic transformation of indigenous biomass wastes into biochar: an insight into char structure and physicochemical characteristics. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics Vol. 123 No. 1 (2022) 161–173. ISSN: 2363-6033 (online); 1612-9830 (print) https://doi.org/10.17170/kobra-202204216056.  


  • Dayamrita K. K and Nivya Mariam Paul, 2021. Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles produced by endophytic bacteria, Enterobacter ludwigii strain gol9, inhabiting roots of Leucas aspera. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 10 (12), 1358-1373. DOI: 10.20959/wjpr202112-21689.
    Dayamrita K K and Nivya Mariam Paul, 2021. Marine microplastic associated biofilms: a critical review on their origin, impact, colonization and degradation. DISCOURSE Xaverian Research Journal 8(2) pg. 68- 82.
    Devapriya K S, Jaya Vinny Eapen and Nivya Mariam Paul, 2021. Molecular characterization of Serratia marcescens and the determination of the effect of physico chemical factors on its pigment production. DISCOURSE Xaverian Research Journal 8(2). pg 1-12.
    Cecilia Mary, Eve Anchal Vaj, Arya Subash, Nivya Mariam Paul, 2021. Comparative study on the extracellular amylase activity of amylolytic bacteria isolated from different soil types and earthworms gut. International journal of botany studies, 6(2), pg 115-121. RJIF 5.12.
    Dayamrita K. K, Nivya Mariam Paul, 2021. Evaluation of antimicrobial, antioxidant and plant growth potential of endophytic bacteria isolated from leucas aspera and characterization of its bioactive metabolites. International journal of botany studies, 6(1), pg 588-597. RJIF 5.12. 


  • Dayamrita K. K, Nivya Mariam Paul, 2020. Screening of antibacterial metabolites from the endophytic bacteria isolated from the medicinal plant Saraca asoca. International journal of botany studies, 5(6), pg 104-109. RJIF 5.12.
    Dayamrita K. K, Nivya Mariam Paul, 2020. Plant bacterial endophytes as a potent source of plant growth promoters and other bioactive compounds: A review, International journal of Ecology, Environment and Conservation. 26 (3): 2020; pp. (1259-1270) ISSN 0971–765X. Scopus H index-12.
    Elizabeth Jacob, Ronia Jose, Gopika Ullas, Nivya Mariam Paul, 2020. Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Azo-Dye Degrading Bacteria from Soil. AIP Conference Proceedings 2263, 040008 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0018150.
    Haritha Prabhakaran, Nivya Mariam Paul, Elza John, 2020. Screening of Economically Important Microorganisms from Thrissur Kol Paddy Wetland. AIP Conference Proceedings 2263, 030009 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0017668.
    Elza John, Anju Sam, Bilha. M.Varghese, Paulson Joy, Nivya Mariam Paul, S. Selven, M.P Prabhakaran, 2020. Characterization of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria from Mangrove Ecosystem of Panangadu Regions in Ernakulam District, Kerala, India. AIP Conference Proceedings 2263, 030007 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0017672.
    Jyothimol Joy, Haritha M, Meenu Devassy, Nivya Mariam Paul, 2020. Isolation and molecular characterization of plant growth promoting fungi from rhizosphere soil. International journal of botany studies, 5(3), pg 11-15. RJIF 5.12. ISSN: 2455-541X. 


  • Nivya Mariam Paul, Anjali Mohan, Elza John, Nayomi John, Ajitha A R, Shanti A Avirah, 2014. Phytochemical screening and evaluation of the antimicrobial potential of coleus amboinicus in World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research,3 (2), 2811-2826.
    Nivya Mariam Paul, Aswathy S Vipin, 2014. In-Vitro antibacterial activity and effect of interaction between antibiotics and Ethanolic extracts of Coleus amboinicus, Bharata Mata Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 1 (1), pg 39-46.
    Nivya Mariam Paul, Rosy Joseph Moolan, 2014. Evaluation of Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Anti inflammatory activity and Trace Element Analysis of Njavara (Oryza sativa Linn), World Journal Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science (WJPPS), (1), pg.1092-1104. 


  • Fifth position in M.Sc Microbiology Examinations conducted by Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam in the year 2006.
  • ICAR -NET qualification for lectureship -2019.
  • Third position in the oral presentation in international conference on Science and Technology of Advanced materials (STAM 23), on 18th -20th April 2022 on the topic “Characterization of Plant Growth Promoting Activity of Actinomycetes Isolated from Biochar Enhanced Rhizosphere Soil”.
  • GenBank Submissions- 37 nos 

Awards and Recognition

  • M.Sc Microbiology -5th Rank
  • Ph.D 
  • Oral presentation STAM 23- IIIrd position 

Institutional Responsibilities

  • Academic Comitte member
  • IQAC criterion III member
  • HOD (2008-2021)
  • Member of Academic Council (2016-2021)
  • Board of Studies member (Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry)
  • Member of water management cell (2021)
  • Member of woman's cell (2015)


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