The College Union is the Student Government body of the College. The College Union consists of the elected representatives of the student’s community. It comprises of the Chairman, Vice Chairperson, Secretary of General affairs, Arts Club, Student Editor and two University Union Councillors, Lady representatives and reprentatives of the various classes and Association Secretaries. All activities and Associations within the campus, work under the formal auspices of the College Union. The Union is guided by two members of the Faculty and also by the Dean of student affairs.
1. Anand Saji (1st M. A Sociology)
2. Muneera Asharaf (3rd B. A Economics)
Vice Chairperson

3. Alan Jojan (2nd B. Voc Tax)
General Secretary

4. Anitta Sunsiril (2nd M. A English)
Arts Club Secretary

5. Janeefa Shifa (2nd B. A English)
Magazine Editor

6. Kiran Viji (1st B. Com MIII)
7. J Devadath (1st B. A Economics)

8. Essie V Ayrookuzhy (2nd M. Sc Maths)
Lady Rep.

9. Neelima P (1st B. A Sociology)
Lady Rep.

10. Anandhu Sajeev (1st M. Sc Actuarial Science))
1st PG Representative

11. Jeeva jilson (2nd M. Sc Zoology)
2nd PG Representative

12. Nanda Narendran (1st B. Sc Zoology)
1st DC Representative

13. Abhiram P. B (2nd B. Sc Maths)
2nd DC Representative

14. Abhijith Thomas (3rd B. A History)
3rd DC Representative
