Dr. Jobi John (2005-08 Batch)- Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Marian College, Kuttikanam

As a proud alumnus of MA College, I have developed my academic vigour and leadership through different academic, co-curricular and extra curricular activities of the college. My Sociology department has given lot of learning opportunities to me and the teachers shaped my personality and developed my professional self. They were very friendly and experts in their subject domains. The teachers at MAC are truly mentors and stood with me during all my happy and difficult situations. I always feel proud and cherish my NSS days at MAC. The then Principal Dr.Winny Varghese sir was a constant support and a motivating force for all students. I was so happy about the academic treasures in the college library. I always felt MAC as my second home. The three years at MAC really moulded me, guided me, developed passion and commitment. Thanks to my teachers and the college management.